Sunday, June 2, 2019

The Contrast of Virginia Woolf and Alice Walker Essay -- Writers Moral

The Contrast of Virginia Woolf and Alice Walker After reading the four essays assigned to this sequence, itbecomes interesting to contrast twain authors points of viewon the same subject. Reading one professional writersrewriting of a portion of another professional writers essaybrings out many of separately of their characteristics and views.Also, the difference in writing styles could be drastic, orslight. Nevertheless, the writers display how versatile theEnglish language can be.Alice Walker was born in 1944 as a farm girl in Georgia.Virginia Woolf was born in London in1882. They have bothcome to be highly lived writers of their time, and theyboth have quite a large portfolios of work. The scenes themight have grown up seeing and living through whitethorn havegreatly influenced their views of subjects which they bothseem to write about. In her essay In Search of OurMothers Gardens, Alice Walker speaks first about theuntouchable faith of the black women of thepost-Reconstructi on South. She speaks highly of the faithand undying hope of these women and their families. Sheeven comes to recognize them as saints as she describestheir faith as so intense, deep, unconscious, the theythemselves were unaw atomic number 18 of the richness they held (Walker694).In a passage in which she speaks about the treatment andsocial stipulation of the women of the sixteenth century, Woolfexplains that a woman who might have had a truly great giftin this time would have surely gone crazy, ginger nut herself, orended up in some lonely cottage on the outside of town, halfwitch, half wizard, feared and mocked (Woolf 749). Heruse of some of these powerful titular shows that shefeels strongly about what she is writing. Also for her, lifegrowing up and stories she whitethorn have heard may haveinfluenced this passage greatly. In her passage she imagineswhat it may have been like had William Shakespeare had asister. She notices how difficult it would be even given thesame talents as Shakespeare himself, to follow throughoutand utilize them in her life.It is clear after reading further into Woolfs passage thatobviously she lived in a different time period, only about fiftyyears apart though. The way she relates and tells a verysimilar story with an entirely different setting shows withoutthe reader even knowing that she wa... ...Whether this style that Virginia Woolf uses is correct or not,it is powerful and it pauses the reader and , more or lessimportantly, helps the reader think in exactly the samemanner as she was when she wrote it. The pauses sheexperienced in her thoughts when she wrote the story aboutthe story about the writers sister are simulated and relivedwhen the reader crosses them.Both writers do a fine job of stressing the morals in theirwriting. The reader can, in Walkers essay, put himself in thefirst individual and imagine the South very easily because ofhow descriptive she is in her narration. The reader ofWoolfs essay clearly can under stand and come to realize theunfairness and out-and-out(a) cruelty of the pure neglect ofhidden talent among many women throughout time. She doesthis through simply telling a good story. This perhaps showthat Virginia Woolf may have been fond of Walkers work.Woolf chooses to clearly state and agree with the samepoints Walker makes and shows the ideas in a different lightbecause indeed she is a different mortal with differentattributes. This shows up dominantly in her rewriting ofWalkers In Search of Our Mothers Gardens.

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